Discomfort as a Barometer

The outcome of your life is a result of its inputs. Your actions and reactions are responsible for what your life becomes. Some things aren't fair and are out of our control. Inequalities are real. How you respond to them is what matters, though.

Habits are a slow, gradual accumulation of your behaviors over time.

Habits form how you function in the world and largely determine your successes and failures.

To know the path you're on in life, ask yourself, "does this make me uncomfortable?" If the answer is no, it's probably the wrong path.

I'm not a sadist

I'm not saying that your life needs to be a continual punishment. What is required, though, is to shift to being comfortable in discomfort. Do you always take the elevator when you're entirely capable of handling the stairs? Is 5:00 AM just too early for you? Don't want to make that phone call? Is making your own food too tricky? Are you just so busy?

When your default is to avoid discomfort, you'll continually avoid discomfort. How do your muscles get stronger, attention longer, or mind sharper? You have to push them past their comfort zones.

Instead of taking the elevator, you tell yourself, "I'm not someone who takes the easy way." As you tell yourself that every day, over time, you'll start to believe it. When a more meaningful choice needs to be made, you'll examine the options and remind yourself, "I'm not someone who takes the easy way." and you'll get to work.

Summit your peak.